The Seven Pis Game Rules
- The Seven Pis is a solo dominoes game invented by Chris Smyth. In the game four dominoes are played to make a π shape. A total of 7 pis can be constructed using double-6 dominoes set.
- At the beginning all dominoes are shuffled face-down and 3 dominoes are drawn. Remaining dominoes are kept in the boneyard.
- The dominoes in hand can be played to make part of one or more pis. In each turn at least one domino tile should be played before that turn can be ended by drawing further dominoes from the boneyard.
- After end of each turn, total tiles in player's hand is returned to 3 by drawing from the boneyard.
- Once a domino tile has been played, it can not be moved.
- When two tiles connect, their connecting end must match.
- The game is won when the player has played all tiles and successfully made 7 pis.
- The game ends if the player is unable to make any move using the tiles in his/her hand and no tile can be drawn from the boneyard (either there is no tile left in the boneyard or, the player already has a maximum of 3 tiles in hand). Player scores total pip count of remaining dominoes in the boneyard and the hand. Player should aim to score as low as possible.
- Select a domino tile in hand to see all possible moves. A tile can be rotated by clicking on it after it has been moved to a pi and before the turn is ended.
- Refer to for more details about the game.