Calomino Puzzle Game Rules
- Calomino is a dominoes puzzle game which involves basic maths for solving the puzzle. The aim is to place all dominoes in their respective slots in the train by following certain clues.
- Each clue is a number along with one operator. You can place a domino in a slot if the clue has the same number as the two sides of the domino after applying the operator. For ex; in "5+" slot, you can put any of the 3 dominoes [0-5], [1-4], [2-3].
- The basic maths operator used in the clues are addition(+), substraction(-), multiplication(x) and division(÷).
- When placing a domino you also need to make sure that adjacents sides of the two neighbouring dominoes have the same number of pips touching each other.
- The puzzle is solved when all dominoes have been successfully placed in their slots.