Xiang Shi Fu Solitaire Chinese Dominoes Game Rules

  • Xiang Shi Fu is a solitaire dominoes game played with one set of Chinese dominoes (32 tiles). The aim is to rearrange the layout of 32 tiles into ten valid triplets and one valid pair.
  • Chinese dominoes set consists of 32 tiles which are divided in two suits or groups. "Civil" and "Military". There are 21 unique combinations. Civil suit contains 2 each of eleven tiles (6-6, 1-1, 4-4, 1-3, 5-5, 3-3, 2-2, 5-6, 4-6, 1-6, 1-5). Military suit contains one each of ten tiles (3-6, 4-5; 2-6, 3-5; 2-5, 3-4; 2-4; 1-4, 2-3; 1-2).
  • At the beginning all dominoes are shuffled and arranged at random into ten sets of three and a set of two.
  • A move is to exchange one or two tiles between two sets, so that after the exchange both sets are valid.
  • Valid Pairs - Pairs are grouped in three categories as following
    Civil Pair Military Pair Supreme Pair
    [6-6] and [6-6] Heaven
    [1-1] and [1-1] Earth
    [4-4] and [4-4] Man
    [3-1] and [3-1] Goose
    [5-5] and [5-5] Flower
    [3-3] and [3-3] Long
    [2-2] and [2-2] Board
    [6-5] and [6-5] Hatchet
    [6-4] and [6-4] Partition
    [6-1] and [6-1] Long Leg Seven
    [5-1] and [5-1] Big Head Six
    [6-3] and [5-4] Mixed Nine
    [6-2] and [5-3] Mixed Eight
    [5-2] and [4-3] Mixed Seven
    [4-1] and [3-2] Mixed Five
    [1-2] and [2-4] Gee Joon
  • Valid Triplets - There are 9 types of valid triplets based on combination of pips count of 6 ends in three tiles.
    1. Five points - Three ends are equal and sum of pips on other three ends are 5. Example [3:3][3:1][2:2]
    2. Full fourteen - Three ends are equal and sum of pips on other three ends are equal or more than 14. Example [1:6][1:6][1:4]
    3. Split - Two sets of three equal ends. Example [1:1][1:6][6:6].
    4. Coincidence - Four ends are equal and sum of the pips on other two ends are the same number. Example [5:5][5:3][5:2]- 4 fives and sum of other two ends is 5 (3+2).
    5. Five sons - Five ends are equal. Example [1:1][1:1][1:3].
    6. Full dragon - All ends are different - one of each number 123456. Example [1:3][2:6][4:5].
    7. Small dragon - Two of each of the small numbers 1, 2 and 3. Example [1:3][1:3][2:2].
    8. Big dragon - Two of each of the large numbers 4, 5 and 6. Example [4:4][6:5][6:5].
    9. 2-3-Kao - Two 2's, two 3's and two 6's. There are only two ways to make this: [2:2][3:3][6:6] or [2:3][2:6][3:6].
  • The game is won when the layout contains ten valid triplets and one valid pair.
  • Select one or two tiles in two sets and click "Play" to exchange them. "Play" button will only be available if after exchange of the selected tiles, both sets become valid triplets or, a triplet and a pair.
  • Refer to pagat.com for more details about the game.