Mexican Train Dominoes Game Rules

  • Mexican Train Dominoes is played in multiple rounds with aim to score lowest at the end of all rounds to win.
  • Each player gets five tiles at the beginning of each round.
  • Each round starts with a lead double. In a game played with double-six dominoes set, first round starts with [6-6]. Subsequent rounds start with next lower double([5-5], [4-4], and so on).
  • At the beginning of a round, lead double is taken out and placed at the center. Each player then receives 5 tiles from the remaining tiles.
  • The player receiving highest tile starts the round.
  • Each player has a personal train on which they can play tiles. One additional train (called Mexican train) is also available for all players to play.
  • In the first turn player can match as many tiles as possible starting with the tile matching lead double for that round.
  • In subsequent rounds player can only play one tile if it is non-double. Player must play one additional tile if he/she played a double.
  • Whenever a double is played, it must be closed at the open end with a matching tile. The player who played the double is allowed to play additional tile to any other train (open to player for play) but subsequent players must play a tile on the double first if it was not closed.
  • If a player can not make a move, he/she draws one tile from the boneyard. if tile can be played, then it must be played, else turn is passed to the next player.
  • If player can not play a tile, his train is marked as open and becomes available to play by any other player.
  • Player's personal train which was marked open can only be unmarked if the player again plays a tile to his/her personal train. After it is unmarked, it again becomes unavailable for play to other players.
  • In the first turn player is not required to play additional tile at the end of a double.
  • If player can play all tiles in the first round itself, other players get to finish their first turn.
  • Once a round ends (one player dominoes or game is blocked), each player scores total of pips count in his/her individual hand.
  • After the end of last round (for lead [0-0]), the player with the lowest score wins.