Jjak-Mat-Chu-Gi Dominoes Game Rules

  • Jjak-Mat-Chu-Gi is a Korean "draw and discard" game played with one set of Korean dominoes (32 tiles, equivalent of Chinese dominoes). The aim is to be the first player to complete a winning hand of 3 pairs.
  • Korean dominoes set consists of 32 tiles (similar to the Chinese dominoes), divided in two suits or groups. "Civil" and "Military". There are 21 unique tiles. Civil suit contains 2 each of eleven tiles (6-6, 1-1, 4-4, 1-3, 5-5, 3-3, 2-2, 5-6, 4-6, 1-6, 1-5). Military suit contains one each of ten tiles (3-6, 4-5; 2-6, 3-5; 2-5, 3-4; 2-4; 1-4, 2-3; 1-2).
  • The game can be played by 2 to 4 players.
  • The first player in the first round is selected by a draw of lot. If a player draws 2-5, then that player starts first. If not, then the player with most spots in the drawn tile starts first. In case of a tie, draw of lot is repeated.
  • At the beginning the first player gets 6 tiles. Other players get 5 tiles each. Remaining tiles are kept in the boneyard.
  • If the first player can meld 3 pairs, then he/she displays those pairs and immediately wins the round. If he/she can meld one or two pairs, then he/she displays those pairs and discards one tile at the center to finish his/her turn.
  • Next player has the option to draw top tile from the discard or, any tile from the boneyard. Player melds whatever he/she can and then discards one tile to finish their turn.
  • The play goes on in a similar fashion until one player has melded last pair after picking a tile fron the discard or, the boneyard.
  • The round will also end once the boneyard gets empty.
  • Valid Pairs - Pairs are grouped in three categories as following
    Civil Pair Military Pair Supreme Pair
    [6-6] and [6-6]
    [1-1] and [1-1]
    [4-4] and [4-4]
    [3-1] and [3-1]
    [5-5] and [5-5]
    [3-3] and [3-3]
    [2-2] and [2-2]
    [6-5] and [6-5]
    [6-4] and [6-4]
    [6-1] and [6-1]
    [5-1] and [5-1]
    [6-3] and [5-4] Nine
    [6-2] and [5-3] Eight
    [5-2] and [4-3] Seven
    [4-1] and [3-2] Five
    [1-2] and [2-4]
  • Once a round is over with a win, winner is paid penalty points by other players (3 points per player). If winner's 3rd pair is completed using a tile drawn from the boneyard, winner is paid by all players. If the winner's 3rd pair is completed by taking the previous player's discard, discarder pays the winner on behalf of all other players. Winner starts the next round.
  • If there is no winner for a round, then players score points equal to the completed pairs by them. Player next to the first player in the drawn game starts the next round.
  • The game is played for 10 rounds and player with most points after end of the last round wins the game.
  • Reference Rules: pagat.com